Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekend Report...

This just totally sucks...

I've got a few days off and guess what?

More snow?

Nope, freezing rain or rain or sleet or as the weather guru so kindly puts it...a Wintry Mix of precipitation.


Down here in Tennessee, that means be prepared for anything because our weather guru just can't predict what will happen.

"It could or might or possibly be this, that, or the other, or it could be..."

Now, I'm not suffering from cabin fever, oh no, I'm suffering for my poor lonely cold babies that miss their daddy.

My poor, poor, orphaned Weber's. Just sitting there...cold and lonely. I'm a bad man...

A shameful man, a lowdown man, a chicken liveried no good sidewinder of a polecat son of a biscuit eater kind of man. A sorry excuse of a Grill Master.

Letting my babies sit there...unloved. Daddy's coming my pretties...

...just as soon as Spring gets here.


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