Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Simply Tuesday...

I finally tried 1554...

I'm not "all that" on dark beers, meaning they don't tickle my fancy that much. I prefer an ice cold lager anytime, but it was pretty good for a dark brew. So on a scale of 1-10, I'd rate it around 8.

I never have been a big fan of the dark brew, and no, that is not bring snobbish (even though I am a beer snob) I like what I like...

At one time or another...I have probably drank (or sampled) every beer ever marketed in these here neck of the woods...

Some were pretty dang good and others...well...let's just say they didn't tickle my tickle box very much.

Oh well...


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weekend Report...

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature must be having a few words with one another...

Little sister Windy, has taken Moms side. Older brother Mr. Sunshine, could care less about the family squabble.

Uncle Thunder and Aunt Lightning brought their little brat Rain and cousin Hail along and everything turned into a messy family shouting match that ran across much of the state of Tennessee yesterday...

And now, everybody is giving the other the cold shoulder.

What a mess...

I'll just go over to the corner and sit this one out...


Friday, March 27, 2009

Do you want fries with that?

It has rained and rained and rained...

I cut the grass for the first time last Tuesday. It will definitely get ahead of me now because of warmer weather...and the rain.

Yep B.D. it will be taller than a tadpole's knee caps in a wading pond, it will be thicker than a kangaroo's tail in the outback, it will be...


Yes B.D.

You ain't helping much...

Well B.D. I'm just trying to tell the folks...


You are a figment of my imagination...

Dang...that hurt B.D.

Sorry dude...


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

A good friend will bail you out of jail at 3:00 in the morning; a true friend will be sitting there next to you in the cell saying "Damn, that was fun!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Simply Tuesday...

I amaze myself sometimes...

I actually got some things done outside and made my to-do list shorter. Not bad, for a white boy...

Of course...I now have more aches and pains than I did have, but I 'got her done.'

Even had time to grill some...

I still have plenty to do, but it won't get done this week as Robyn has ball practice this afternoon, we bowl on Wednesday and Sunday night and rain is moving in even as we speak.


I'll just play it by ear this week and do what I can do.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend Report...

Now that's...a little more like it. Not these crazy temperature jumps and dumps like we have been having.

Yesterday, started out rather cold, but turned out to be a nice somewhat cloudy sunshiny day.

Julie is not feeling well...she came home running a low grade fever and has had a sore throat since Thursday.

Gawd dang boys...get out the gas mask and the Lysol...here we go again!

I hope this is short lived...for her sake and mine.

March has definitely came in like a Lion...but I can now say "don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya" because your time is almost up...

Now it is true about 'April showers bring May flowers' but it also brings warmer weather.

Meaning...I can put my long johns and my retro fitted NASA issued nuclear thermal fusion generated socks, underwear, earmuffs, and gloves away for a while...


Enjoy your day...


Friday, March 20, 2009

Simply Friday...

The food of the Gods...

Baked Potato
And a cold beer (or three)

Oh yeah babe...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry. - Unknown

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Report...

It was a long week...3am to 3pm will take a little wind out of your sails. But it had to be done...so with that behind me, I can move on to the next adventure.

Waiting on Spring...

Flower planting, mulching, trimming, constant warm weather (this week has run the gambit of temperature ranges from warm weather to snow, sleet, rain and 30 mile a hour wind gust.)

But this time of year, always works like this...

The first part of the week will be fair, the middle of the week will be warmer with a slight chance of rain, the end of the week, the temperature will start to drop with a dang good chance of rain and the weekend...

Is a 50/50 shot to not be in your favor of outdoor fun loving beer drinking barbecuing or grilling activity unless you're under the cover of a carport (which I'm not) so it's more in line with trying to cook during the week instead of the weekend.

But...when the weekend is nice (once or twice in a blue moon so far) don't make plans for me...you'll get your feelings hurt...

Now when Summer gets here...we can all share the love...but until then...when Mr. Sunshine comes out to play and leaves his sister Windy at home...

Something on Big Daddy's "Hillbilly Ranch" is gonna have some fire in it...

I can guarantee that.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

This & That...

It has been a long week...

I'll let you know...


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Simply Tuesday...

MacDaddy's Grill will be closed for the rest of the week...

I have to work from 3am to 3pm this week and also work Saturday...so I won't have time to post, much less do anything else...

I will return with the Weekend Report, Saturday afternoon or Sunday.

Until then...drink one for me.


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Weekend Report...

Just myself and Julie were home this weekend, so outside we went to enjoy the weather and a few steaks and pork riblets.

And loaded baked potato...


Saturday, March 07, 2009

This & That...

Only in Tennessee...can it be 28 degrees on Monday and be 72 degrees Friday and 75 degrees Saturday.


Time to get some pre-spring outside work done so I can get ahead...before I get behind like I did last year. I like to have never got caught up last year...

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's off to work we go...


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...

"I'm an angel. Honest. The horns are just there to hold the halo up straight."

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Simply Tuesday...

I need to smell smoke...

My soul cries out...feed me.

I crave something that only 'Big Mama' can satisfy...

I need...BBQ...


Sunday, March 01, 2009