Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A recipe is a recipe...

A lot of people ask me things about cooking...why you ask?
Because people respect my opinion and my view on cooking.

Some try to add too many ingredients to add flavor, which in turn takes away from the meat or the dish being prepared. You should never try to cover up the original flavor of the meat or dish. What you add should only enhance the dish and not take away or cover up the meal.

Say what?

Simply...don't over spice to reach the level of flavor you want. All meats have their distinct flavor and texture and you should never try to cover up that flavor. You want to enhance that flavor, not mask it. When grilling or frying or baking or roasting or whatever is being done, just keep it simple. Use the KISS method..."keep it simple stupid."

Now if you royally screw up, than yes, cover up, and be prepared to have Pizza Hut on speed dial. If you look at some recipes, they have everything but the kitchen sink in them. This is a mask within a mask that will cover up any screw ups that are made... my saying goes...

Simple math...
Simple technique...
Simple rules...


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