Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekend Report...

Let's do a play on words...

Two words. What and now.

Two simple words, but how they are said, means two different things.

What now?

Asks a question, what will happen now? What shall we do now? It asks for guidance, innocence comes to the forefront of being lost and unguided, what does the future hold now?

Now what?

Comes across as being irritated at an annoyance of some kind. Bad luck has crossed our path and it's like what else can happen. As if my day could get worse.

Two simple words...

It's all about the context of how they are placed that construe their meaning.

Simple words...

Do we pay attention to our words? A language we take for granted sometimes...

Words can be comforting...or words can be harsh, conveying our feeling and sometimes revealing our deepest dark secrets of how we really feel towards something or someone...

Words can heal, bring comfort, induce well being, confidence and trust. Or they can hurt, cause insecurity, bad feelings and promote hate and anger and revenge...

Words, are the band-aids in life we need sometimes, or they can be the sharpest of swords in a battle than can never be won by anyone.

Words, cause emotion, emotions cloud our judgement, clouded judgement only leads to more angry words...

Angry words lead to...


When the question should be...What now?


Friday, October 22, 2010

This & That...

We're still having trouble with our home computer, (or I am anyway) so a new one is ready to be installed and brought to life. Hopefully, this will solve the issues on my side of the problems that have plagued me here and elsewhere as well...

It seems the life of a computer is about 5 years. It either dies slowly or goes crash and burn in a glory of taking everything you have worked on (or saved) in those 5 years with it.

So, I guess in car years, 5 years on a computer is like 250,000 miles. She's about to let you down and make you start walking...

We've got our 249,000 miles out of her and she is now on life support.

We will lay her to rest and thank her for the service she has given us through the years.

Out with the old...and in with the new.

We'll see ya on the flip side...I hope...


Oh, PS.

Thank you to my girl Vicky for the B-day card. I got a good laugh out of that one darlin'

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy B-day...

Happy me!

Yes, this lowly ole white boy turns 53 today.



Sunday, October 03, 2010

Weekend Report...

Well I think Fall (or Autumn) has landed here in Tennessee. Temperatures have dropped to the cooler side of "Yup, that feels better." We never slide into anything. It's either hot or cold...

We only get a few days of pleasant weather here and there, so we must enjoy these while they last. It's seems years ago, we did kind of slide into the seasons. But now, it's either Polar bear cold or damp underwear steaming hot. Hardly any in between nice weather at all.

So, I've got a few more things to get done outside today before going back to work tomorrow.

As you saw from the post below, I was talking about recipes. The good, the bad and the ugly.'s one for ya that is a mouth full.

Center-Cut Pork Loin Chop Broiled a la Plancha with a Soubise of Toy Box Tomatoes, Hydroponic Watercress, Micro Arugula, accompanied by a Nougatine of Spring Onions, garnished with Daikon Escab`eche, topped with Prune Essence and Juniper Foam.

I am not making that up...I swear!

Do you want fries with that?
