Saturday, October 23, 2010

Weekend Report...

Let's do a play on words...

Two words. What and now.

Two simple words, but how they are said, means two different things.

What now?

Asks a question, what will happen now? What shall we do now? It asks for guidance, innocence comes to the forefront of being lost and unguided, what does the future hold now?

Now what?

Comes across as being irritated at an annoyance of some kind. Bad luck has crossed our path and it's like what else can happen. As if my day could get worse.

Two simple words...

It's all about the context of how they are placed that construe their meaning.

Simple words...

Do we pay attention to our words? A language we take for granted sometimes...

Words can be comforting...or words can be harsh, conveying our feeling and sometimes revealing our deepest dark secrets of how we really feel towards something or someone...

Words can heal, bring comfort, induce well being, confidence and trust. Or they can hurt, cause insecurity, bad feelings and promote hate and anger and revenge...

Words, are the band-aids in life we need sometimes, or they can be the sharpest of swords in a battle than can never be won by anyone.

Words, cause emotion, emotions cloud our judgement, clouded judgement only leads to more angry words...

Angry words lead to...


When the question should be...What now?


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