Saturday, May 13, 2006

Weekend Report

Whoa, what is up with this weather?

For the past 2 days the wind would bounce you around like a punching bag, more rain, grass growing by leaps & bounds, as soon as I cut it, boom rain, boom grows 2 inches...

I have to use the push mower to cut it as to not track up the yard with the riding mower, but it sure is green...

This will be my last post for awhile.

I am going to be gone for the next 8 days and we don't have a lap top that I can take with me... but fear not, Julie will step in and take care of "The Grill" for me, I will call her and give updates on the events & happenings and she will post it here for you. I will try to take lots of pictures and share them with you when I return home.

Julie will also be going to a bowling tournament before I get back, so good luck to all of the ladies, and good luck to us at the 'Q' competition.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and if you're not a mom, we still love you anyway.

I'll see you here when I get back.

Enjoy your day!!!

B.D. ( has left the building....)

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