Friday, May 16, 2008

Beer Run...

Some friends are going up to Illinois past St. Louis this weekend and offered to pick me up some Fat Tire beer. Oh, bless you my child...

In the process, what I have learned, is that Fat Tire beer will be available state wide here in Tennessee in July.

Oh, bless you my child...

This is a damn fine brew. One of my girls husband, had some at the Super Bowl shindig at Vicky's and it was some fine drinking.

ULIKA Food Blog (Rob and the boys) had said something about it way back but I couldn't get anybody in the grocery industry to confirm it.

Well now it seems to be true...

I'll believe it when I see it, but...sounds good to me if it happens.

I have plans on firing up the pit tomorrow and cooking a bunch of ribs for some friends. I made up a fresh batch of rub & sauce I hope it works out.

Tomorrow, is supposed to be very windy...but hell...if it ain't rain... it's wind.

The Budda of barbecue is giving me a hard time this year as far as cooking. Maybe he likes the smell of chicken better than he does ribs.

Who knows...

All I know is, it has been a pain in the butt for me to try to cook on the weekends...


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