Saturday, January 03, 2009

Weekend Report...

When life hands you onions, make onion rings. From the book -
Chronicles of life and other fancy sayings by Big Daddy

What can you do?

Just ride it out and deal with it...

I feel better. Nowhere near 100%...more like 30%...but that's better than a few days ago when I was in negative territory and taking on water faster than I could bail it out. But...the boat is patched and limping its way back to shore for repairs.

Maybe a complete overhaul...

I don't make New Years Resolutions...I make decisions.

I don't make promises I can't keep. I'm a Pessimist, an Optimist, a Realist and a Libra all at the same time. That's a tough one...

I have...come to realize...that running against the wind all of these years has had adverse effects on my body as a whole and I've been kidding myself about that.

Being sick this go around...changed my mind. Things have to change...

So no resolutions...only decisions of lifestyle changes plain and simple.

Time to get my ying and yang back in balance...


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