Monday, March 27, 2006

Got to love her...

Vicky told Julie...

If I was going to post a picture of myself on the beach, then I needed to post one showing my six pack abs.

Sorry darlin'...that was a picture of my twelve pack abs. (GGG)

TN. Chick said on the Weekend Report, she was ready for some warm Spring Weather. I'll second that comment...

I'm not really looking forward to cutting grass, but I am ready for warmer weather and full trees and flowers and planting tomato plants. I miss my grill and I miss my ribs and I miss home grown tomatoes.

The just sand.


1 comment:

-tnchick- said...

I'm SO ready for home grown tomatoes!! I did some mowing today... the grass isn't all green - just spotty - but it's gettin' wild lookin'... I don't mind mowing - until I have to do it more than once a week... we mow 1 3/4 acres and doing it more than once a week is crazy - hope the gas prices drop by then LOL.