Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where have you been B.D.?

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.
I have been feeling a little bit under the weather.

Spring is here... and things are starting to fly around in the air.
(This does major damage to my nose, and sometimes to my body as well.)

I love Spring...but I hate the allergies that come with it.
No amount of beer will cure allergies...Dang it!!!
That's just my luck...

That's why some dude got rich inventing Kleenex.
It's hard to get a date when you're walking around carrying a roll of toilet paper sneezing your fool head off. People tend to shy this guy got rich, and got the babe too!!!

But you still look like Rudolf "with your nose so bright"... even with Kleenex. So I'll just take it one day and one sneeze at a time. I don't have to worry about the one part...I've already got the babe, I just need to work on the rich part...

Life is good...
Beer is better...


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