Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday "oh" Friday

Hot damn, the weekend is at hand, although it is supposed to rain, it's still about the R & R.

I cut the grass after I got home from work and I tell you, it is growing faster than I can keep up with it!!! But that is fine, it looks a whole lot better than it did last year. The ole fertilizer is doing its thing. Thick and lush and very green.

Our "Black Bear" Sweetie, is starting to get on my nerves, she smells something in the backyard and wants to go outside every two minutes, but she comes back up to the deck and starts barking wanting in, then two minutes later she wants back out to go sniffing again! "Make your mind up, I'm trying to watch Law & Order."

Come back tomorrow and see who the birthday girl is.
Enjoy the rest of your day!!!


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