Sunday, March 25, 2007

Weekend Report...

Well... it's time to start experimenting once again.

"Oh no...B.D. what are you fixing to do this time?"

What do you mean? Oh no...

Hey, some very good things have come out of experimenting, but's me.

I bought me a little charcoal grill yesterday so I can start practicing doing my hot wings over coals instead of gas. I'll try charcoal or lump charcoal and of course pecan wood for smoke.

Why am I doing this?

I was going to take my Holland to Memphis in May this year, but instead of lugging it down there and back, I'll do a charcoal grill instead, less room taken up, easier to handle and I'll be cooking on charcoal again for the hot wing competition. So...

I use to cook on charcoal years ago, but it has been awhile...and me being the Jr. fire tender for the team, well...let's just say it wouldn't look right, everybody else cooking with charcoal and me cooking with gas.

So it's time for some practice.

And yes...
I'll take pictures

Enjoy your day!!!

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