Monday, June 18, 2007

Yet another week of fun...

I talked to Pat this weekend and he wanted me to help him out next weekend for the " Taste of Music City." I would love too... but I have to work and Julie will be out of town.

So maybe next time I'll be free...but...we will be at his place for a team meeting in July, so we're looking forward to eating some of that great "Q" we've heard a lot about.

I'm starting to really like the Weber Kettle Grill. (I had one years & years ago) the Holland is starting to get jealous because I'm not paying much attention to it here lately.

I cooked a rack of ribs on the Weber and I have cooked some steaks and shrimp and chicken thighs and of course the hot wings...

The next test will come this butt chickens on the Weber.

And yes...I did take pictures and I will too of the beer butt.

When I had a Weber, years ago, I was not the accomplished cook (I am today.)

I'm re-learning the whole charcoal cooking process because today, I have far more knowledge of grilling time, temperature, a better understanding of heat and since being a member of a barbecue team, manning the firebox and pit, charcoal is the right way to go.

I will still use the Holland and the Char-broil, but right now...

I'm having a blast playing with the Weber...


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