Monday, September 22, 2008

Simply Monday...

I had to take my big black bear to the Vet.

She has a problem with her right paw that will require surgery. She hurt it somehow last week and has been in pain because of it.

She is my shadow and my other child by adoption...

The house is empty without her...

I miss my Sweetie dog...

But...this should take away her pain. We love our kids (even when they test our love)

A dog is different...they love you the in and day matter how bad your day was, they greet you the same everyday when you come home...with a cold nose and a wagging tail.

They are happy to see you walk in the door...

God...take care of my black bear.

I don't know if I could face the world or my job everyday without her being happy to see me when I come home.


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