Sunday, February 27, 2005

Weekend Report

I think this weekend was very nice.

Friday night I grilled some leg quarters.

Saturday was a nice day, did some smoked ribs with corn on the cob - smoked baked beans - and potato salad topped off with corn pones - good cold beer - and some good friends. (Vicky, Tracy, Steve, Griffin, my daughter Jennifer - and of course me and Julie and Robyn)
Oh and Sweetie too!

Sunday looks nice right now but... they are calling for about a 80 percent chance of rain so I doubt I will cook outside today. ( I do need to clean my grill and smoker)

I did something a little different on the ribs this time - I added apple juice to my water pan water - and that mixed in with the Pecan smoke was very good. Everybody seemed to like them (or they lied) but anyway...

On another note, my brother-in-law Dale had to come back into town from a job because of some health problems. We will say a prayer and hope all will is well with the big lug (G).

Stay tuned...

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