Thursday, November 15, 2007

Simply Thursday...

This is the logo and team name I came up with for the team I'm putting together to do KCBS events next year. Is that not cool or what...

The artwork was done by Hot Spot Graphics, thanks to Patrick Carlson for that design and hard work. Here is the link to his web page.

I have retired from Peg Leg Porker and I'm starting my own team. I wish these guys all the luck in the world and I hope they do fine in Memphis in May without me.

But, it's time for me to move on...

My vision is to win, no politics involved and to do the best that I can. I believe I'll do better on my own with no BS involved. If I'm going to be a work mule and my opinion is overruled by politics, then I'll just go my own way and do my thing.

It may take me a few years, but I'll survive...and I will win.


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