Sunday, November 04, 2007

Weekend Report (part II)

Well...I did the slabs of ribs and made a sauce, I thought the sauce was good, Julie didn't like it. She thought it was bland. I thought it was close to the pantry sauce I make, but it could use a little work.

Maybe, if I made it a day ahead of time and let the flavors mix more, it would be better.

I think this has potential to be a good sauce. I didn't apply it to the ribs, just served it on the side, but I think it would cook out good and complement the rub. Julie, has reservations about it, but she can't put her finger on it as to what's missing.

I'll figure it out, in another test run or two. But, for the first test run, I'm almost there, just a few tweaks here and there and I'll have it...


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