Saturday, March 01, 2008

Weekend Report...

Some barbecue sauce I made last night

It looks like we might get two days of decent weather before I have to go back to work, so the grill will be fired up this afternoon at least. The weather has sucked all this week.

But, life goes on...

I have some leg quarters for Julie & I may run back to the store for some more beef short ribs because I'm really wanting to get these little bad boys cooked out right.

My son will swing by tomorrow and pick up the rub and sauce. My brother-in-law Dale will get a sample to try today and then there's some for me to play with tonight.

As soon as the weather will behave I'm going to start doing test cooks on the pit. I may just test cook and cater this year and start competing next year. I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet.

It just all depends on how the transition at work will work out when the new owner takes over the glass business this month. Things have changed already and I won't have hardly any vacation or sick time for the first year of the take over. After that...

We'll see...


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