Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Report...

It's good to be back home...

My brother-in-law Rob became a member of the Old Man's Club yesterday by turning 50, so welcome to the Club old man. You're in good company.

Might cook something today...don't know what...I've still got plenty of work to do...actually I got some things done yesterday but it like to have killed my back, so I think I'll just semi-take it easy today.

Plus...I have to get ready to plunge back into the world of working with idiots...something I'm not looking forward too. I can't wait to see what rules have changed in my absence, what they're dictating that we have to do now and how many hours we have to spend at work so you have no life...

Yep...really looking forward to that...

Think I'll go cook something...


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