Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend Report...

It's a dang good thing I got the yard cut yesterday because it's sure wet today...

Went to the in-laws yesterday to celebrate two B-days, Leah and Dave, so Happy Birthday to them.

Dale was smoking some hamburgers (not grilling) and asked me if I had ever done it.

Nope, I replied...

Well we're fixing to find out if they're any good or not, he replied.

And they were mighty tasty indeed.

I guess this week, I need to kind of watch what I eat because I have to go back to the Doctor on Friday and be run through a battery of test that he just loves to put me through...

What a way to start a week...knowing that at the end of the week...there's a pair of latex gloves just waiting...with my name on them...


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