Sunday, August 02, 2009

Weekend Report...

Since I had to go back to the Doctor Friday, then work Saturday, it has thrown me off just a tad. (What day is it?)

After having to fast Thursday afternoon for a 7:30 Friday morning appointment and not getting done until 12:30...I was ready to (and could have) eat half a cow...

But, I settled for the pig...

Grilled pork chops.

Got home yesterday after work and hit the ground running in an attempt to get the grass cut before the rain got here. I jumped on the back first. This can become a hay field in a matter of days if I don't stay on top of it.


I got that done and the side done and I was halfway done with the front when Sister Rain showed up.

SON OF A B...(excuse my French)

But now was not the time to quit. I've been washed out of my shorts before so why stop now.

Long story short...I got her done.

What is the moral of this story? (the moral teaching or practical lesson contained in a fable, tale, experience, etc.)

Mr. Sunshine needs to bitch slap Sister Rain...(excuse my French)


1 comment:

WhiteTrashBBQ said...

I know what you mean brother. I worked Sunday - so today should be Friday, but I thought it was Wednesday.