Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend Report...(partII)

This time of year...

What the hell is that?

All of the TV stations with their predictor forecast, kill me...

Stick your head out the window and look at the sky...They do their fancy song and dance and have fancy equipment to track and tell and whatever else...but what the hell, it is more miss than hit...

All in all...10 minutes worth of rain yesterday.

A forecast of a washed out weekend...where did that come from? I hope they don't pay these people an exuberant salary because they were way off the mark...

Predict this...Look out the frigging window you moron...

Gee, B.D. is something bugging you?

Yeah...pretty much all of the world is on my shit list right now...But, after a few thousand beers...I'll get over it.

Did a little cooking despite the so called washed out weekend...


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