Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday & Easter

Happy Good Friday & Easter!
( every Friday is a good happy Friday to me! ) (G)

Sorry I haven't posted all week, Blogger is still having some tech. problems and our cable feed went out one day, so...

Somebody asked me what the (G) stood for, well the big G is short hand for "big grin" for those who have not taken short hand.

Two big G's means really "Big Grin" - ear to ear you might say...

Three Big G's means it's pretty darn funny!

Four Big G's and beyond...means... "I'm drunk"...and I think I'm playing Space Invaders... so... that's the story of the Big G's.

Anyway... we all know what Good Friday and Easter are about...
(and I'm not going to preach here... that's not my style )

It's about a true Love that will never die...
It's about a heart and a soul...
It's about forgiveness...

It's about a Love so powerful and so true and so honest...
It's about you...
It's about me...

It's about Life...

And yes... it's about the chocolate bunnies


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