My ever faithful barbecue dog was just beside herself last night as the smell of pecan-smoked grilled chicken lingered in the night air...she was dang determined she was going out that door, one way or another, to be by my side in case anything happened to hit the ground (which it didn't by the way) but she stood ready just in case anyway...I believe she would eat the bag of charcoal if I let her.
And speaking of charcoal, I was on the web looking at some of these now called cooking videos talking about "Barbecue like the Pros - Grilling made easy - Secrets of the Pit Masters."
Well...this looks interesting, "How to build a fire like the Pros."
Step-1. Pour out some charcoal in your grill or pit. (Watch this...)
Step-2. Next pour starter fluid all over charcoal. (Wrong...)
Step-3. I never got that far...
Now granted, in the old days of backyard grilling, starter fluid was used regularly for starting the fire, I'm even guilty of it myself. But not today...
Today, you can buy a charcoal starter of good quality for around 20 bucks.
Set it up just like I have here. This is a Weber charcoal starter.
You can buy cheap starters but as the saying goes...they won't last long, maybe a season. Better to buy a good one that will last. If you want to be like the Pros... toss the stater fluid, your food will taste much-much better.
Trust me...
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