"Boy Wonder"... have you ever got that right!!!
Even the "Bat Cave" needs some A.C.
This is the part of Tennessee summers...I can do without.
Ever sweated so much, your shorts...(underwear or panties)... stick to you like sugar on a Pop-tart?
For 4 months? and counting...
10 hours a day?
Live in Tennessee and they'll stick for 14 hours during the summer... thinking about sex?
Want to get your eyes poked out?
Or worse...have the fridge door in the garage left open by a vengeful spouse... that is... not to say the least... pissed because you have the insane idea to touch her in 95 degree weather?
"Oh woe, to stupid people"
Not me...give me space...give me A.C.
give me cold beer...
and get the hell away from me...until Fall...(G)
All fun and kidding aside...Two things have happened.
First... my sister-in-law that had the baby, had to be rushed back to the hospital last night.
Because of massive blood lose, she had to have 8 units of blood replaced.
She is in surgical intensive care right now, and is doing much better. She had us worried there for awhile. Our prayers are with her.
Second...my friend Vicky is having some rough times in her life, our prayers are with her as well.
Vicky & Tracy are our best friends, and their pain is ours.
I love these girls as much as I love Julie...and for me to say that... means a lot.
Now... I know this is blog is supposed to be about cooking, and recipes, and such...
Well... this is the such...that lets you know the real me...and I'm just human.